Personaggi dimenticati della saga atridica. Riflessioni (sparse e frammentarie) sul Plistene di Euripide
Luca Pucci
This contribution is a first survey on the few fragments of Euripides' Pleisthenes (frr. 625-633 Kannicht) and on the works related to this tragedy and its main character. The study is conducted along three main lines: the mythical heritage related to Pleisthenes before the 5th century BC, which can only be partially reconstructed and interpreted as the substrate on which Euripides works (perhaps also updating it); the traditional material after the 5th century BC, conceivable, with due caution, as potential container for Euripidean echoes; Euripides’ production itself in its evolutionary parable, as it can be reconstructed by the complete tragedies and by other fragments, in relation to specific historical and cultural contexts, themes or rhetorical aspects.
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