Tiri di dadi e malaffare (Poll. 7. 201-205): la nozione del gioco d'azzardo tra cultura ed antropologia
Salvatore Costanza
Ancient classical culture usually links gambling (kubéia) with houses of ill repute (skiraphéia) and people involved in malfeasance. It is important to examine this notion according to a major lexicographic source such as Julius Pollux. In the 7th Book of his Onomasticon, a thematic dictionary, he purposely devotes a full section to prostitution (pornéia) and gambling (§ 201-205). Literary sources enhance this close association, such as Diphilus' Synoris, where a hetaera plays dice with a parasite. In sum, Pollux allows us to discover a world of night-time pleasures where young Athenians played dice and spent their time with beautiful creatures of the underworld.
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